Posted December 13, 2011
Taxman's Sonic CD remake hits XBLA tomorrow. For those who haven't seen the trailer yet...
Trailer's here:
It features a perfect 1:1 replication of the engine (with very minor enhancements) reproduced in widescreen, with unlockable flying tails, dual soundtracks (Meaning both Japanese and American are selectable in options, unfortunately, I don't think you can toggle between them during gameplay), optional sonic 2 spindash physics (turned on and off in options), and pretty much whatever else is needed for the perfect port of what is undoubtedly one of the best Sonic games.
Best part? The remake's only 5$.
Coming to Steam, PSN, XBLA, Iphone, Android, and Windows Phone 7. Do NOT miss out on this one people. If this does well, it could lead to more official use of Taxman's engine, which could lead to us either having more enhanced ports (Sonic Jam style), or better yet, perhaps someday a full on official game that uses his engine. For those of you who don't know, this is a direct community based success story, and Sega should be rewarded 1thousand fold for finally getting it right after all the shit we've given them these many years. Taxman is an old-school fan with enough hacking discipline to learn the old genesis engine from top to bottom and reproduce his own engine that can (for once) accurately recreate not only CD (his favorite game), but the other Sonic 2D classics while also allowing for new games to be developed on it.
Sure, Sonic 4 Ep 2 won't use this engine, but both Taxman and SEGA should reap good profits for doing the right thing, even if it does just point at the incompetence of their own core development team (they had to get a fan to do it for them, but eh, at least they embraced it).
Trailer's here:
It features a perfect 1:1 replication of the engine (with very minor enhancements) reproduced in widescreen, with unlockable flying tails, dual soundtracks (Meaning both Japanese and American are selectable in options, unfortunately, I don't think you can toggle between them during gameplay), optional sonic 2 spindash physics (turned on and off in options), and pretty much whatever else is needed for the perfect port of what is undoubtedly one of the best Sonic games.
Best part? The remake's only 5$.
Coming to Steam, PSN, XBLA, Iphone, Android, and Windows Phone 7. Do NOT miss out on this one people. If this does well, it could lead to more official use of Taxman's engine, which could lead to us either having more enhanced ports (Sonic Jam style), or better yet, perhaps someday a full on official game that uses his engine. For those of you who don't know, this is a direct community based success story, and Sega should be rewarded 1thousand fold for finally getting it right after all the shit we've given them these many years. Taxman is an old-school fan with enough hacking discipline to learn the old genesis engine from top to bottom and reproduce his own engine that can (for once) accurately recreate not only CD (his favorite game), but the other Sonic 2D classics while also allowing for new games to be developed on it.
Sure, Sonic 4 Ep 2 won't use this engine, but both Taxman and SEGA should reap good profits for doing the right thing, even if it does just point at the incompetence of their own core development team (they had to get a fan to do it for them, but eh, at least they embraced it).