Leroux: This might sound naive but do you think that changing the OS could help me with the sound issues in DOSBox? Assuming I boot e.g. Ubuntu or something like that from a CD or DVD when I want to play DOSBox games, since DOSBox seems to work on Linux systems, too?
It just occurred to me that Vista *might* be part of the problem and that maybe when I bypass loading Windows, I won't have that much stuff running in the background either? But I'm far from bein tech-savvy and have never used Linux before, so please cut me some slack if this sounds like an idiotic idea. ;)
The irony is that, in general, Linux isn't that great for audio either :P.
But it is worth a shot. Even if you have never used Linux before a distro like Ubuntu is very easy (e.g. you should be able to install dosbox directly from the software/package manager, and you
should be able install your GOG games using wine 'out-of-the-box').