Starforce is known for causing system instability : I'm convinced if vehicles had the same analogous activities by a third party; say some asshole needs to get in your car every time you drive and tells you how to go, people would
never accept DRM. Now that I think about it though, I can't overlook GPS unit's ubiquity.
OldFatGuy: I don't understand it. I never have and never will. It's a mix between stupidity and immaturity (I WANT TO PLAY AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES ).
Well, let's not kid ourselves. People are remarkably short-sighted. Most people
never consider the implications of their actions.
I always have to remind myself that half of the IQ bell-curve is to the
left, which means, at last count, there's ~3.5
billion idiots on the planet, and even the first 35% to the right I'm not convinced of their intellectual savvy.