Spartan717: I've been recently countering problems with steam. When ever I try to download something (game/update), the screen pops up with "preparing local game cache files" but the loading bar doesn't move. After a while the window closes.
Has anyone else faced this issue?
Zurvan7: Does these links help you out?
Also try this thing out: Otherwise I would recommend a clean install, might be that Steam Client is confusing updates with new game download. (some registry issue probably). If nothing works, uninstall steam and download Ccleaner to remove unwanted registries as well :)
I tried the methods in the first 3 links, but it still doesn't work :(.
I might have to result to uninstalling steam if the problem persists.
Thanks for your help :)
Spartan717: I've been recently countering problems with steam. When ever I try to download something (game/update), the screen pops up with "preparing local game cache files" but the loading bar doesn't move. After a while the window closes.
Has anyone else faced this issue?
stg83: Is it happening for every game or a particular game. Also this might seem like a weird question but which version of internet explorer do you have installed assuming you are on a Windows PC.
It happens to all my games. I can't seem to update CSGO (but I can play online fine though) or download/update any of my other games.
I mainly use Mozilla Firefox.
My internet explorer is version 8 I think.