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Hm so for summary:

I can't buy steam games with georgian prices as long as I don't have georgian payment option? (like credit card registered in georgian bank?)
If so, it's a shame :( I wish Poland had same low prices and in USD (Max Payne 3 50 euros for pl, Georgia pays only 30 USD)
TheEnigmaticT: Well, I can't even use my Steam store from Poland. So perhaps you will find that checking out does not function for you. :(
StingingVelvet: I thought of that. They might also refuse my card, like GOG does.
GOG does that? I wish they would do that to me, as paying my CC bill is rather challenging at times.
StingingVelvet: Yo!

So I am in the Republic of Georgia as a volunteer teacher, as I have mentioned before. Steam here is MUCH cheaper than in the US, about half price.

I took Steam online for the first time today since arriving here and noticed it offers me Georgian prices, despite me and my account being American. Max Payne 3 is $29.99, Alan Wake is $12.99, etc. etc.

Anyone know what happens if I buy those games here, then try to install them in the US?
I've got some experience in that matter. You need to be aware of few things:

1. When you pay for the games make sure you pay by a card with a billing address in RoG. Otherwise Steam will see it as a region lock bypassing and you might get into trouble (account limitations, game disappearance). If you can't, contact Steam support and inform them about your situation. Most likely they will recommend using US store.

2. Make sure that the games you are buying are region free. RoG is in the same class of countries as CIS. Games are much cheaper, but at the same time many of them are region locked or are available in certain languages only. A quick example:
Max Payne 3 is $29.99 in RoG, but it is also region locked. You will not be able to even run it when you're back in US. To make sure the game is region free, check its appID before buying.
US store page:
GE store page:
If you place your cursor above 'add to cart' button you'll see the game's appID which is 14652 in RoG and 14655 in US. Different appID equals different games.

(I assume that the 2 letter code for RoG is ge.)

danteveli: Nothing. They will work without problem. I have used my account in couple countries and never had any errors or something like that.
SimonG: This.
Not true anymore, Valve have introduced region locks to games recently.
Post edited May 28, 2012 by nagytow
nagytow: GE store page:
If you place your cursor above 'add to cart' button you'll see the game's appID which is 14652 in RoG and 14655 in US. Different appID equals different games.
If that's the right storefront, the Russian text in the orange box above "Available" explicitly says that the game only run in CIS. Of which Georgia is no longer a member of, but that probably doesn't matter to Steam.
SimonG: I think that the playing restriciton is unique to Japan (or SE Asia) and its PC gamer discrimination.
No it's not. It first appeared in Russia (primarily for retail sold games that added to Steam, but now directly sold on Steam games too), then spread to Thailand and Hong Kong with Left 4 Dead. Even now, there are many RU games being locked to Russian regions only, Max Payne 3 is the only one that has it mentioned on the Store page though. But Torchlight 2, will also be locked in the manner.

As far as Japan goes, there is only one such game at this moment in time: KOA Reckoning. All others, have had their blocks removed. Which is usually the case. It just takes several months or a year. But with KOA, it's now not likely to ever change. But you'll see no mention of that lock on store pages, nor will you find a party claiming responsibility for it.

nagytow: To make sure the game is region free, check its appID before buying.
As I've learnt from experience, AppID doesn't always mean a thing. Valve can still lock the game out even when the AppID information indicates the game is usable in all regions.
Post edited May 28, 2012 by bansama
bansama: As I've learnt from experience, AppID doesn't always mean a thing. Valve can still lock the game out even when the AppID information indicates the game is usable in all regions.
I know of your experience with Skyrim, but Valve never changes anything with games already sold as this would be a base for refund. Quite recently there was a mistake with Mount and Blade Collection where they've included the latest DLC and if you manged to buy it, you could keep it. They've just released another pack with a different appID.
Quite recently they have changed the appID of Russian and CIS Max Payne 3 and now they can be run only in those regions. Again, purchases made before have not been affected (I still have my MP3 ROW from Ukraine and it's just fine).

What you need to look at are three arguments:
onlyallowrunincountries, PurchaseRestrictedCountries, AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries.
These will tell you everything you need to know about potential problems with a game.

If your Skyrim was genuinely from US you'd have no problems. However since your copy comes from EU, it's limited to run in one of the countries on the onlyallowrunincountries list.
Post edited May 28, 2012 by nagytow
nagytow: Snip
Skyrim simply had a different release date, so no idea why mention that one. The problem with Skyrim was Beth. JP's original intention of offering Japanese language only. A large backlash to that statement made them change their mind.

Now, the best example of the blocks I'm talking about, would again, be KOA. Doesn't matter where in the world you buy it on Steam. It cannot be launched while connecting to Steam from a Japanese IP address. Clearly showing that Valve can still lock out a game without the use of those flags you mentioned.

This is basically because Valve control release date activation separately to those flags. That's why a game purchased in the US, but gifted to someone in the EU cannot be used in the EU until after the EU release date. Valve have had that capability since the release of Mini Ninjas.

They just happen to also now use it to fully IP block titles as well.
bansama: (KOA)
NVM, was thinking of Skyrim again. Still, locking a game without any information is pretty much asking for a lot refund claims.
Post edited May 28, 2012 by nagytow
nagytow: This is weird because 1. KOA is an Origin game, 2. I've sent KOA to a guy in Japan and he's got not problems running it. I believe it was me who sent you the DLCs or something. I really don't know what's the problem with your IP, but such locks would be a huge issue for Valve. They would have to inform everyone of such problems, otherwise they would end up with quite a lot of refund demands.
1. The Steam version is NOT an Origin game. It cannot even be added to Origin, the key is not recognized. Neither will EA support add it for you. It was self published on Steam by 38 Studios. See:

2. You may have gotten me one of the DLC. I don't remember. I have been playing it through a US VPN. When connecting for a Japanese IP address however, the game lists as uninstalled, with no Play button or Install button. These days I'm using dodgy files to play it instead - I simply shut down Steam (to be safe) and run it that way.

3. People did ask for refunds as Valve had been telling them it would unlock with the UK release. When it didn't unlock, and refunds were asked for, Valve refused as the pre-order period had ended.

4. See the attached image. Note the absence of a play button and install button. Note the colour of KOA in the list is dark grey indicating not installed, but see the Explorer window showing the game installed. Also note the time showing today's date (JST).
koasteam.jpg (173 Kb)
Best overall advice marked I think.

Thanks all. I think I'll just wait 'til I get home.
StingingVelvet: Best overall advice marked I think.

Thanks all. I think I'll just wait 'til I get home.
Another easy thing is to just contact support. They're generally really fast when it comes to things not related to hacking and refunds and in case they say that you'll be able to run it when you go back home and you won't you'll have the evidence to either get a refund or get the game unlocked in the new region.
AndrewC: you'll have the evidence to either get a refund or get the game unlocked in the new region.
Evidence that will mean fsck all. They will not refund, and they will not unlock. been there. Done that.