Lionel212008: You can see it in a girl's eyes if she is really into you. More than anything you should feel it in your gut. Regardless, women expect that you make a move. How you ask her out is up to you............ Get creative if you like. Normal is boring.
Here are some common IOIs(Indicators of interest)
*She re-initiates conversations when you stop talking
*She giggles
*She touches you
*She tries to get rapport and build Comfort with you
*She looks back and glances at you repeatedly ever minute or so
*She tosses her hair (to see if you will look)
*If eye contact happens from a distance, she holds it for a second
*She smiles at you
*She stands nearby (proximity)
*She interrupts your conversation from nearby or laughs at something you said
*While walking by, she turns her body toward you or brushes against you
*She says something to her friend and they both giggle
*She asks you for a light or the time or in any way initiates a conversation
*While you're talking to her group, she is particularly talkative (to get your attention)
*She asks you for your name
*She asks you your age (make her guess)
*She compliments you
*She is playful and tries to challenge you
*She's disagreeing but laughing
*She's punching your arm but laughing
*She uses nicknames for you
*She plays with her hair while talking to you
*When she is sitting next to you her leg touches yours
*She repeatedly touches you in any way
*She asks if you have a girlfriend
*She mentions your girlfriend without knowing if you actually have one
*When she has to go to the bathroom, she comes back
*She holds eye contact for longer periods of time when she speaks with you
*She avoids mentioning her boyfriend
*If it comes up that you like somthing, she mentions that she likes it, too, or needs someone to show her how to do it
*When she says or does something, she looks at you to see your reaction
*She looks at you from the side, to hide the fact that she's looking
*She introduces you to friends
*She buys you a drink
*She calls you a player or a heart-breaker
*On her way out, she re-approaches you to tell you that she is leaving (Get her #)
*On your way out, she asks you where you are going (Invite her)
*She returns your calls
*She invents reasons to be near you, interact with you, or have isolation with you
*She will flirt with other guys and look at you just to check your reaction
Courtesy:Your friendly neighborhood sociopath : )
Okay, So what I can work out from this is - She giggles near everyone, She smiles at everyone almost (Okay, She does stare at me rather intently smiling O_O Lol, But it seems to be in just a friendly way, But I should be reading it as more then that right?)