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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Today's hidden gem is here to show you how the legendary Unreal series got its start before it became the definitive competitive tournament game of the Internet. This ultimate shooter classic had stunning graphics for the time, giving the era's 3D graphics cards a real workout, while the gameplay made sure you kept your fingers limber.

You are a prisoner who crashed on an unknown alien planet. The story is generic but it's not the enthralling plot twists that earned Unreal Gold a place in the pantheon of FPS games. The dazzling graphics, artistic level design, and sheer awesome gameplay is what Unreal is all about. Escape from Na Pali and then you're ready for the second serving in the form of a mission pack Return to Na Pali. Recover very important weapon research logs on the crashed military spaceship, three new weapons, and nearly 20 missions to shoot, blast, and charge your way through!

Check for yourself where all of the Unreal hype originated from in this Unreal Gold pack for only 3.99$ for the next 24 hours.
Post edited July 11, 2011 by Chamb
This is a classic! Haven't played it since it came with my Voodoo gfx card. Instabuy! Too bad there is no soundtrack included. :\
Pity I already have it.

It does look awesome with the DX10 renderer and the new textures though :)
what time do these hidden gems change? i've missed buying two games i wanted already since i noticed them too late, as they seem to change at an odd time
Lateksi: what time do these hidden gems change?
Rather exactly 10:00 AM GMT (as announced in the first thread).
Post edited July 12, 2011 by Fujek
Lateksi: what time do these hidden gems change? i've missed buying two games i wanted already since i noticed them too late, as they seem to change at an odd time
They change at 10 am GMT, I believe.
Lateksi: what time do these hidden gems change? i've missed buying two games i wanted already since i noticed them too late, as they seem to change at an odd time
10 am GMT (11 am UK Time)
Lateksi: what time do these hidden gems change? i've missed buying two games i wanted already since i noticed them too late, as they seem to change at an odd time
Sorry, the timezones SUCK.
We change it 6am EDT.
Post edited July 12, 2011 by Galimatias
now the battle begins - 3 times 10 am GMT vs 1 time 11 am GMT :P
Galimatias: Sorry, the timezones SUCK
Funny slip after the various postings of poor TheEnigmaticT, trying to explain that UK uses daylight saving :p
Galimatias: Sorry, the timezones SUCK
Fujek: Funny slip after the various postings of poor TheEnigmaticT, trying to explain that UK uses daylight saving :p
Maybe you guys could do a GOG timezone. ;)
Galimatias: Maybe you guys could do a GOG timezone. ;)
I am already running on GOG time. My day starts when a new game or deal is posted.
Galimatias: Maybe you guys could do a GOG timezone. ;)
Hereby I define the GOG epoch as September 20, 2010 (instead of the lame Unix Epoch). For Galimatias convenience we're going to use the central European (Polish) offset.
Lateksi: what time do these hidden gems change? i've missed buying two games i wanted already since i noticed them too late, as they seem to change at an odd time
Galimatias: Sorry, the timezones SUCK.
We change it 6am EDT.
I already wrote to your support asking for choosing the country/timezone from a menu directly on the website (like on (right above) or other international sites), so that all dates (promos, ...) are then displayed in your chosen timezone, not only for users, who are logged in.
But all I got was a confusing answer about how to change your timezone in windows O.o
So maybe, you guys, could take a closer look at this feature.
country.png (71 Kb)
Post edited July 12, 2011 by Pip-Boy