rjspring: ...still kicking myself for not picking up a copy a saw a few years back at babages (now gamestop)...
lowyhong: I got outbid several years ago on Yahoo Auctions Singapore. Game was sold at $25, I bid $25, and some yahoo came in just a few minutes before the auction ended and bid $26. Jeez. I was so sure I could win the game, I didn't bother to check before the last few mins.
GameRager: I've owned two legit copies of SS2, one for around full price when it came out and another for around 10 bucks. Since then i've lost or broken both discs and i'm not about to pay 50 bucks for an eBay copy.....
lowyhong: You can probably sell the boxes on eBay, and they'd still fetch a reasonable price.
System Shock 2, however, is not the current winner of value-inflated eBay games. The honour now belongs to
Oh sure, it's $550, and probably won't sell, but believe you me, the previous 3 copies I saw on eBay went for $200 - $300 each. I know the game's rare, but damn...
Hey wait, i have the boxed cheaper version of Fallout too, maybe i can get rich just by selling it, w00t, awesome.