stoicsentry: Also, because he's terrible at what he does but keeps winning anyway.
Arkose: But if he wins doesn't that mean he's the opposite of terrible? Or do you mean he's terrible because he prays?
No, not about the praying. He's just terrible at actually playing the game. But he wins.
That's exactly why it's so confusing!!!!!!!!
Smannesman: Isn't he the dork that prayed like Rodin's 'The Thinker' or something?
But in general only Americans are interested in American football, still if it makes you happy you can make as many of those posters as you like ;)
I know that, but not everyone is into RTS' or RPG or whatever else here anyway so.. :)
This is actually a major story in the U.S. lately because it's so unusual. He doesn't play the position the way you're "supposed to."