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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook

Good point Wec, thanks :)
PersiaTeddy95: GoG t-shirt ? lol :P

Here you go! :)
Prator: If I may, I'd like to point out as a source of free advertising. People casually browsing through it may find articles on old games, think to themselves, "Hey, that's pretty neat," and if there happens to be a link to GOG somewhere on the same page, Bam! You've got a sale.
I've taken the liberty of making a list of all the TVTropes pages for GOG games. This could be useful.

That's an impressive list, thanks! Will look into that and see what can be done there.
MaximPolulyakh: Here I can see rotating banners. How can I get them to put in some of my froums and signatures?

These are made and provided to our affiliates. But you can find some cool stuff in our "Spread the word" section :)
cwadge: ... GOG did not post the update about being able to have access to downloads for some time after their initial announcement. I can see how people might be confused and angry about that.

Also, I watched as GOG's crack PR staff seemed to systematically delete high-voted dissenting posts on their YouTube channel during the whole incident. I mean, that's just plain cheap.
I have to reply to this as the statements you're bringing up here aren't true I'm afraid. I'm not writing this against you but to clear everything up.

As for the first announcement, we've stated from the very first moment that all GOG users will be able to download their games "in the upcoming week". We did it because we were aware people might get scared they lost all their games. Here's a quote from the very first statement on the close-down page:

"On a technical note, this week we'll put in place a solution to allow everyone to re-download their games. Stay tuned to this page and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates."

As for deleting any comments on YouTube, nothing like that never took place or I don't know about it - and I should know about that as I'm the one who takes care of our YouTube channel. If you have any examples please let me know as I'd like to look into this (maybe I'll carry an investigation).

Hope this clears up things a bit. Thanks.

reflekshun: Hey Cook!

I really love this website, and just last night I used REAL LIFE to spread the word! haha My friend was over and I asked him if he was ever into PC gaming, and as soon as he said yes, I showed him how awesome the site is. How its completely DRM free and the prices are awesome, the extras you get and also the cool shelf you can put the games on! He was impressed :) I just couldn't help myself. Long live!
Thanks reflekshun. We're glad you and your friend like our site. And there;s still much to come :)
cwadge: That's very interesting, because now, after visiting the GOG YouTube video in question once again, I don't even see the posts complaining about posts being removed any longer... very curious, no? Unless a bunch of users simultaneously had second thoughts about what they had posted and decided to self-police, it really looks to me like a bunch of the more highly-ranked negative comments were purged.
Or there were no such posts on our YouTube channel. Haven't seen such posts there, but then again I had lots of other things to do than browsing through all the comments. Only thing I can promise you is I didn't delete any comments - it would be stupid and useless, because there's a big chance the user who's post has been deleted would most probably post it again and would state that his post has been deleted by GOG.
Bron: @Cook,

While you're investigating things...I ordered a couple of games just before the shutdown and on Sunday when I saw the notice, I sent an email asking what was going on (and saying I would reverse the charges if I could not get my games). Later I saw the follow up posts and figured it was a stunt and so did not reverse the charges. However, to this date, no one at GOG has ever replied to my email. That does not seem to be good business practice to me.

I know you are a small company and I sincerely wish GOG well. If you check, you will see I have been a big supporter for a long time and have made many favorable posts here and at other sites about GOG. I sent many new people your way. But, no big deal, I do not expect anything for that, you earned it fair and square with your great business model and great games with no DRM. not answer a valid email question from a purchaser whose goods were being withheld seems to go over the line to me. And since I had many more games at risk (as a simple check would have shown), anyone could have seen that my concern was justified.

Of course, you're back now, so it does not really matter in my case, I will continue to do business with you, but I cannot, at this point, recommend your site to anyone and I am very sorry about that, as I love what you are doing and wish you all success. i just hope your management will, at some point, realize what a terrible miscalculation they made and offer something more than a cheesy video apology to those who were justifiably annoyed and disappointed in GOG's lack of good judgement (just my opinion, I know).

At a minimum, GOG should admit that some serious mistakes were made, and promise it won't happen again. Then I and many others will, I'm sure, be reassured that GOG "has a clue."

Thanks for listening.
I know it might sound not too good, but not replying to such emails was intentional. We wanted to keep the whole PR stunt in secret. We made the statements on Sunday and Monday pretty clear to ensured all users that they will be able to download all their games in the coming days.

We're sorry if you felt harmed by the stunt and the lack of reply from our side, but keeping our mouths shut was part of the plan. I can promise you that we won't repeat such closure stunt again.
I haven't posted here for a while and I do read all your posts, so let me just say thank you for the "thank yous" and be sure we care and read your posts here :)
jhaysonn: just wanted to add my two cents for all this. I was kind of sketchy about this place, but I'm hooked now =) I wish you had a 'cart' so i didn't have to do so many single purchase (bank blocked me!) but I love the selection of adventure games!! Great prices, and thanks for including the manuals!!!!!!!!
Well, actually we do have a "cart" on every game page below the "download now" button you have an option to "add to cart". There's also such option in games catalogue - hover your cursor over the + sign and there you have the "add to cart".

Other than that we're happy you got hooked and have fun with all your classics! :)
e-ahmet: Today I registered here for a competition. And out of the blue, I got four free games. I think that's customary for Thanks. I'll be spreading the word around as much as I can.
You should also download the fifth free game Dragonsphere :)
And welcome to, we hope you'll have great time playing those classics.
pada: Again -"Three Cheers".
Hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray! ;)

Welcome all of you at! Hope we'll bring you even more things that will impress you, and we do have some cool stuff up in our sleeves :)
Cook: Welcome all of you at! Hope we'll bring you even more things that will impress you, and we do have some cool stuff up in our sleeves :)
Vagabond: Hope this involves "Crusader: No Remorse"
That's something I could answer, but I won't :x ;)
SweatyGremlins: Great site, it's been good watching the catalog slowly grow.
Slowly??? C'mon, we're kicking @ss ;)
CommanderMeaty: Games I want to play again are
Blues Brothers ,
Duke Nukem 2 ,
Shadow Warrior ,
Need For Speed Underground 2 ,
Sim City 2000 ,
Jazz Jackrabbit games
and the other Painkillers games :D
Thank you for that, but that's not what this thread is made for. If you want to submit the games you'd like to see on GOG go to the wanted list.
Lukaszmik: "Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places."

I would, but you guys need two things:

A. Somebody to come up with snappy and witty lines for logo T-shirts

B. Better prices for the merchandise. $25/T-shirt? I can get a completely custom 1-item run at a local place at that price.

If both were satisfied today, I'd be a walking FREE advertisement for you in New York already.
Yeh, we need to work on the merchandise section a bit and we have plenty of cool ideas but there's just too much other stuff going on that we can't give it a proper treating - after all you guys want us to release new old games all the time ;)

telestic: Amazing adventure collection (though some of my wishlist still missing :P )
We're working on it very hard and hope to bring even more classic adventure games soon :)