tejozaszaszas: For example Stainless and their kickstarter rewards are way too generous; for a 150 $ pledge you get one boxed DVD with the game (with printed manual) , four digital copies of the game for Steam / DRM-FREE (GOG maybe), one copy of GOG Carmageddon´s Max pack version which includes (Carmageddon+Splat Pack), T-Shirt, 2 Max Damage´s Eagle car Miniatures (old one and new one), early Beta access for ALL steam Copies, access to all developement subforums at carmageddon.com (well this seems unexpensive), Carmageddon Card game and four Carmageddon postards. Edit: The also include a poster.
But the most amazing thing is that they don´t specify any cost for international shipping(!!!!!!!).
I think... Will they have enough money left to develop the game? .
oldschool: While i agree with, whats wrong in some extra swag with your order? Too many cheap publishers don't give a physical copy of the software, no box and sometimes not even a printed manual. The part that really sets me off is they still charge full retail, geesh, talk about a ripoff.
oldschool, these publishers are independent developers who are, in many cases, producing amazing games at a fraction of the cost of what a big publisher would have to spend. So they can't afford to produce a physical copy as well like a big publisher can. Not if you want the game to be as good as they can possibly make it.
Besides, a very small percentage of gamers nowadays want a physical copy, so in the small numbers they have to print them, it's just too expensive.
I don't blame them at all and actually am surprised when someone wants a physical copy. It's no different than a downloadable copy, except it comes with a manual and a box. Both things which take up space in your house and which can be easily reproduced on a computer.
And sure, I'd say it's an age thing with people who want a physical copy. But I'm in my late 40s so I'm one of the 'old fogies' too :) But I never buy physical copies of a game. Don't have the room to store them all.