Galimatias: Hiya,
I'll be buying a cat for my new flat and what race should I go for for the maximum CPS (cute per second).
Yes I am a min-max'ing nerd :<
Get a Russian Blue. They have the softest fur known to man, they are rather docile and can be trained to answer to the name you give them. I had one and I called it Boris and he responded to his name most of the time. Very affectionate cats but they tend to be a bit aloof until they get to know you.
Another cute breed is the Siamese. A true Siamese will have a slightly cross-eyed look with blackened/smoky coloured ears. They are very, very "chatty", but not in a bad way, meaning that they will purr, chirp, miau at their owner while trying to get their owner's attention. Make sure to neuter them after their first heat because, and I am no veterinarian, if you don't neuter them and they keep getting in heat that could somehow cause a sudden death in Siamese cats. The one Siamese I had just up and died one day with no warning signs and she wasn't spayed at all. Siamese are also very loyal and love to sleep with their owners in bed. Sometimes on their owners.
Cats make awesome alarm clocks. If you happen to develop a deep enough bond with your cat you will notice that if you go to bed and you're thinking that you have to get up really early your cat will wake you at that exact time. Happened to me with one of my cats. Nothing is more effective than an attack of cute in the morning :D.