Dhuraal: Unlockable content, or it was even given out for free with the patches, which I always thought was the coolest thing ever that they would sometimes add new things in with patches.
yeah, today its like that, instead of unlocking things you get a trophy or gamerscore, so that you can give more money to the publisher
gaming went pretty much downhill for me, mostly because of small things, but the sum of those small things is unbelievable, copy protection that is only copy protection by name and is only there to destroy the second hand market, online passes, dlc that should have been in the game, streamlining of basically every genre so that rpgs for example now are action games with a few numbers thrown in
dont get me wrong, gaming is together with movies one of my two big hobbies, but its a shame that so much is going wrong and gets perverted into a bad idea, trophys and dlc arent a bad idea per se, but because of trophys i cant take my savegame where i unlocked stuff to my friends when we play street figher for example, and DLC is pretty much obvious something that is in theory a nice idea, but gets abused like there is no tomorrow