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Sounds like it might not be the best option, in the words of the late great Bill Hicks, "who'da thunk it?"
Who knows. Maybe his fractured skull was a pre-existing condition. Probably while doing another experiment, like trying to fire a LAW in mid air.

Scientists everywhere agree, brain damage is the leading cause of all scientific breakthroughs.
He fails at life.
I want him to try firing an assualt rifle on full auto and see how accurate he is while in mid air next...
I want to see him take out an army of bad guys single handed.
For his next experiment: Rocket Jumping!
Wishbone: For his next experiment: Rocket Jumping!
You sir win the Internets.
It may be possible in real life if you lean forward and run slower backwards or rounds with less recoil. Anyway, I can barely run backwards myself. Tends to not be necessary though if you slice the pie and lure your enemies out instead of running in like an idiot.

He should try to fire a shotgun while doing a back-flip like Laura Croft.
Post edited October 01, 2010 by StealthKnight
Because everything else in these shooter games is so damn realistic... lol!