Posted September 29, 2010
Basically this is just a micro-rant, so bear with me; on one hand, GoG is doing a service to a lot of people by providing games that some people have never seen and never played before that, and I loath to use the word, deserve to be played. On the other hand, I already own most of the games and refuse to pay more than once for a product that isn't consumable, like a game (the main reason I don't play MMOs). My problem is I want to support GoG but I can't rationalize, for example, paying 10 bucks for Torment when I'm staring at my box copy that, to be honest, I installed last night, along with the widescreen and UI patches, when I was reminded of the game by GoG releasing it. Anyone else have this issue? I mean, I'm also rather cheap, my money is well earned and I prefer to keep it than spend it unless either necessary (food, water and power, etcetera) or incredibly meaningful (art, books, music), and video games, these days, tend to fall into neither category.