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Vagabond: Nothing wrong with liking it. It's really good. It's just very, very overrated.
michaelleung: Meh, overrated for some. I found it just right. The hype surrounding the game really did make people wish it did more than it did.

I didn't even know it was rated by anyone. Can't recall the soundtrack, or do you mean from the episodes? because I only played the main part.
For me, there are a bunch of games soundtracks I listen to (or remixes of) so I don't think I could pick one that stands head and shoulders above the rest, they vary a lot.
Lost Odyssey. I really love the final boss theme in it too.
Rainbow Six series (the Vegas games aren't R6 games, I haven't played them so I don't know about them).
DrIstvaan: @lowyhong
Yeah, I've listened to them. They are nice and smooth; indeed, a pleasure to listen to.

Nice. Finally after 21 replies, someone's on topic :P
I can't say they're the most epic, but ones that I said "Wow" to and weren't mentioned here were Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy and Beyond Good And Evil. Both have some interesting choices.
Post edited April 18, 2009 by whollymindless
I discovered Silent Hill 2 last week. Its soundtrack really got me... An amazing experience. When I listen to it I feel like I'm replaying / reviving sensations I've endured while playing...
There are quite a lot of soundtracks that i really, really like; Prince of Persia for example has always been top notch in the sound compartment.
But if you're really looking for the Epicness in a soundtrack, look no further than [url=] Outcast[/url] by Infogrames.
That game had the whole soundtrack performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra and choir for fuck sake, how can you top that? :)
Post edited April 18, 2009 by Grog
I'd have to go with the soundtracks for all the console Metal Gear Solid games as a collective best. They easily surpassed most big budget movies, especially the main theme.
I've always been partial to []Tyrian music[/url]
My favorite video game song is probably Time Only Knows from PoP: Sands of Time
Post edited April 18, 2009 by kalirion
all time number one for me - Quake 2 soundtrack.
but i also love:
-Atari: Ninja, Ninja Commando, Draconus [Adam Gilmore rocked hard, still love this tunes :)]
-Amiga: Dune, Lotus Turbo Challange 2, Lotus 3, The Lost Patrol, Secret of Monkey Island 1 and 2
-'Modern': Doom 1, Doom 2, NFS:HP2, Metal Gear Solid serie, Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within, Silent Hill 2, Shadow Of The Colosus, Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption
..and more ;)
Grog: ...But if you're really looking for the Epicness in a soundtrack, look no further than [url=] Outcast[/url] by Infogrames.

oooch - Outcast!
i wish gog team and infogrames will give us outcast asap here on gog...
Post edited April 18, 2009 by GingeR13
Age of Conan does sound good...I might pick it up on iTunes later this summer.
A few of my favourites:
-the main theme from Battlefield 2 is awesome
-Mass Effect
-Brothers in Arms series
-The Old LucasArts games (not all epic exactly but very good, particularly Curse of Monkey Island, Outlaws, Grim Fandango, The Dig)
But nothing beats the Michael Giacchino Medal of Honor soundtracks for me. The first one is especially great. It remains one of my favourite CDs let alone my favourite game soundtrack.
Little Big Adventure 2: Twinsen's Odyssey
"The Empire" is great.
I remember the Wing Commander 3 soundtrack: one of the best I've ever heard. Also let's not forget about Starcraft. Great music, especially for Protoss and Terrans.
GingeR13: all time number one for me - Quake 2 soundtrack.

I totally agree. How not to love those tunes?
I agree with you about Vampire: Redemption, which has a fantastic theme and some great ambiance musics.
Im suprised no one has mentioned Hitman 2 yet! I also really liked Fahrenheits soundtrack, but I guess Im a sucker for those composed ones. I also like all the star wars soundtracks (they are from the movie but they work in game very well) Also Call of Duty 4 was epic.