predcon: Printers had ribbons and were loud enough to wake the slumbering dead. It was at this time that corporate offices (especially those with more than one of these printers on a single floor) saw a sharp rise in employee "disgruntlement" from their accounting departments and steno pools.
JudasIscariot: Those damn dot matrix printers are still in use in a lot of places! My job uses one for printing out receipts for customers paying for their car repairs. Yet, they have a multi-function printer/scanner thing that does laser printing just 2 steps away. I don't know why they just don't use that for receipts and stuff like that.
Laser printers have been around since the 70's. Obviously, the first ones were "primitive" and a most "first model" high technology devices are wont to do, they were incredibly large, often taking up the space of a whole wall. It took about ten years for innovators to get around the "But we have cheaper, more reliable impact printers right here" attitude and make relatively smaller models. "Relatively" being the operative word. They were still prohibitively expensive, as most microprocessor operated machines were in the 80's and early 90's, reaching prices that in today's inflated market would equal to about $20K.
In those days, MTV was all about the music videos, rarely stopping for adverts and had only one or two "Music Video Indirectly-Related" shows, one of them being Beavis and Butthead.