Posted January 17, 2010

Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 17, 2010

Great time to buy it! I find it funny how here, Hong Kong has no ratings system to speak of (it's either no rating or a sticker for people over 18... take that, Australians) but the awesomely violent and bloody L4D2 has no over 18 sticker, but The Saboteur with naked ladies require an adult to purchase.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted January 17, 2010

You wanna talk about weird laws? We can hypothetically have sex at the age of 16 but we can't watch videos of people having sex until we're 18.
Unfortunately as of a few days ago I still can't get the damned DLC, never know, maybe that new PS3 firmware will magically change things