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The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition on sale for only $29.99.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, in case you’ve never heard about it, is a game that was described as “one of the most memorable and best written fantasy video games you'll ever play”, “immensely immersive gaming experience”, and “one of the finest examples of how great an RPG can be”. It’s true to say that “The Witcher 2 embodies everything that's good about PC development”--it’s a rich and mature RPG, which any gamer is not allowed to miss.

CD Projekt RED Studio recently announced that they are making a new video game in a futuristic setting, and studio co-founder Marcin Iwinski said, “Every copy of the Witcher games that gamers buy helps make our next game even better, because we re-invest that money in developing more of the kinds of complex and deep RPGs that you guys love. So if you like what we’ve created for you guys with the Witcher and the Witcher 2, if you like the continued support that we give our games after their launch, and you want to see us bring that same exacting attention to making excellent RPGs to a futuristic setting, tell your friends: The Witcher 2 is on sale on right now, so pick it up and enjoy it!”

Don’t make iWi sad: tell a friend to buy a copy. ;)

Grab The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition now for only $29.99 until6 June 2012 12:59 EDT, and support our friends from CD Projekt RED
resetius: Thank you for Russian version. Just bought it.
Yeah, multiple language options are always great

this is actually one of the things that Sites like DotEmu have an upper edge in compared to GOG
Ongoingwhy: Maybe I should wait for the next one. I bought the first witcher on the previous sale and have yet to play it. :(
gmaverick019: the witcher 1 is vastly different in terms of gameplay and how tight the story is (especially in the beginning) but I greatly enjoyed both games, so if you don't enjoy the first witcher, don't judge the witcher 2 pre-emptively on those grounds, k? :)
I just beat it yesterday and found it really great. :)
gmaverick019: the witcher 1 is vastly different in terms of gameplay and how tight the story is (especially in the beginning) but I greatly enjoyed both games, so if you don't enjoy the first witcher, don't judge the witcher 2 pre-emptively on those grounds, k? :)
Ongoingwhy: I just beat it yesterday and found it really great. :)
Ha well consider yourself in the minority then! (I know alot of people who couldn't get around the gameplay) And since you played it so recently, it'll help jump you into the witcher 2 since you will have alot of back knowledge on the world and what's going on. (Although I love the witcher 1, the witcher 2 is leaps and bounds ahead of it!) So Enjoy!
Smannesman: I can get the boxed version for roughly the same price and use that key to unlock it here on GOG. Of course I have no money, but the principle still applies.
fanest: Where if i may ask; i have been looking all over different internet stores to find similar price (25€)
Oops, forgot to answer.
Well GameSync is one of the stores that has it.
But it's a Dutch store so although we don't pay for shipping, foreigners might have to.
It's slightly more expensive, but you do get all the benefits of a retail copy (map, quest handbook, audio cd, game box) which for me is worth it.
And of course you can get your backup copy as well by registering the key.
Is this sale over now? I thought it was running until tonight.
Daenyth: Is this sale over now? I thought it was running until tonight.
i was about to jump on it aswell :( the ad is still there, but the sale is over. oh well. bad luck ^^
Ongoingwhy: I just beat it yesterday and found it really great. :)
gmaverick019: Ha well consider yourself in the minority then! (I know alot of people who couldn't get around the gameplay) And since you played it so recently, it'll help jump you into the witcher 2 since you will have alot of back knowledge on the world and what's going on. (Although I love the witcher 1, the witcher 2 is leaps and bounds ahead of it!) So Enjoy!
Really? I actually like the gameplay very much. Nah, I'll just wait for the next sale before I jump into Witcher 2. In the meantime, I'll go play Witcher on the hard difficulty and read "The Last Wish" and "The Blood of Elves". ;D
Why do UK gamers not get 40% off! Its $64.99 for us, but only $29.99 for Americans. WHY!?!
GingerNinja217: Why do UK gamers not get 40% off! Its $64.99 for us, but only $29.99 for Americans. WHY!?!
avatar $29.99 until 6 June 2012
Post edited June 07, 2012 by uchos
GingerNinja217: Why do UK gamers not get 40% off! Its $64.99 for us, but only $29.99 for Americans. WHY!?!
Because the sale has ended? It does seem to have ended a bit sooner than expected though.

Edit: damn ninjas...
Post edited June 07, 2012 by JMich
Ahh...that...that kinda makes me look like an idiot....whoops....