aluinie: Gratz on reaching a year here.
And i agree with you totally about the community it is one of the best on the net with a lot of helpfull and insightfull people willig to help their fellow goger.
I saw thanks to you all as well.
Thanks bud, I agree with you that its the best community he... oh wait i said that first :P
stoicsentry: Congrats, nice milestone!
Thanks bud, Your almost there yourself too, even though you came here after me, your one of the best helpfull people i know here.
htown1980: happy birthday!
Gog should give you a present!!
Thanks bud, Nah, The best present is a great community like this.
uchos: Happy goganniversary!
Thanks bud, your almost there too.
Fandango29: Happy anniversery....!!!
GOG should indeed give you something. Like a nice game or t-shirt. :D
Thanks mate, Bud personally i would want like a small medal next to my name :P though the t shirt will be BADASS.
Gekkoton: Congratulations!
Thanks bud.
Coelocanth: Wow, seems like you've been here longer than that (I'd have guessed longer, anyway). SO... Happy GOGiversary!
Thanks mate, You are like one of the original gog founding members so you been here the longest (well longer than me) and always (Not almost :P) helping around the community so cheers mate :D
wwee: Happy first anniversary!
Thank you
Cheers :D
Barnell: What kind of looser hangs out on a video game form for a year…….oh wait a minute
:P gotta admit that one made me chuckle or atleast smile
Thanks mate
And now A toast to the Gog community
Raises glass full of ROOTBEER