With the Age of Youtubers, I find getting honest reviews far easier than I used to. Angry Joe, TotalBiscuit, etc, tend to give better overall coverage of the good aspects and bad aspects of the games they tend to review. Not to mention, you usually KNOW what they like and don't, in regards to a game, so you can figure out for yourself if you're a mechanics/gameplay guy like TB, or you're more drawn to big eye candy and well done storytelling.
Even if following these guys isn't your thing, there's always the LPs, so you can actually see for yourself if a game is something you'd want, then react accordingly.
The professional reviewer scene and the publishers are too closely intertwined now to be reliable. If Joe Blow at Gamespot, or Game Informer, or w/e useless rag/site is out there, gives a mediocre review to Big Publisher Inc's next big dump, they can subtly stop sending that reviewer materials, access, etc.
Big Pubs don't want honesty. They WANT fan boys. Fan boys are stupid wallets that fly open and can be herded pretty much like cattle.
My primary point is that critical thinking for yourself should be the most important thing you do before you buy ANYTHING, whether it's a toaster or a game.