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overread: Bah yah lazy lot! You need more expensive hobbies to drain your money if you're re-buying things just to avoid getting out of the chair! ;P

Go take up fishing or photography or er miniature wargaming or something - you'll fast find it profitable to get out of the chair again when you're saving up ;)
I'm quite a good fisherman actually. Though only beach casting, couldn't understand the appeal of that simple river fishing stuff, fish in a barrel.
reaver894: I just bought Port Royale 2 instead of digging out the disc. With my net connection I would have been faster finding the disc but i cant be assed getting out my chair.

Anyone else done this?
Sort of - We pay per bytes downloaded here in Zealand and on my current plan 10 gigs downloaded can be like $10 If I've already gone over my monthly allowance.

I've redownloaded a few times simply because I couldn't be assed to go through the hundreds of DVDs looking for the one that I had burnt the game too.
I never play my disc games if i can just click on a downloaded game. much easier.
reaver894: I just bought Port Royale 2 instead of digging out the disc. With my net connection I would have been faster finding the disc but i cant be assed getting out my chair.

Anyone else done this?
I've done it for this in addition to avoid any horrid patching issues.
It's not so much laziness with me, as just being energy conscious, you know with global warming and crop circles and such. Opening the game box I'm always afraid of tilting the disc too far and losing a lot of digital bits falling out on the floor.

At least with GOG, the digital bits come down the Internet hose and go directly to my drive, where the spinning motion and centrifugal force keeps all the bits in place.

But then of course, I'm afraid to turn off my computer, less the drives stop and the bits all leak to the bottom of the case. So I've got that going for me.
tritone: But then of course, I'm afraid to turn off my computer, less the drives stop and the bits all leak to the bottom of the case. So I've got that going for me.
Oh great, thanks. Now I've got something else to worry about!

Meh. No biggie. I'm too lazy to worry. :P
Coelocanth: Meh. No biggie. I'm too lazy to worry. :P
My hero!
reaver894: I just bought Port Royale 2 instead of digging out the disc. With my net connection I would have been faster finding the disc but i cant be assed getting out my chair.

Anyone else done this?
wait till you buy games here or on a similar site because you'd be too lazy to start up steam
FraterPerdurabo: I move a lot, so digital is the only solution for me.
Haven't installed a game form a disc in like... well probably since Steam came out. My account is from 2003.
More or less same here, I like discs, but I don't have space for them, and ultimately, it tends to be easy to lose track of where they've gone.

Sloth has nothing to do with it.
tritone: At least with GOG, the digital bits come down the Internet hose and go directly to my drive, where the spinning motion and centrifugal force keeps all the bits in place.
But what happens in a SSD? I've never seen one leaking. Should I be scared?
reaver894: I just bought Port Royale 2 instead of digging out the disc. With my net connection I would have been faster finding the disc but i cant be assed getting out my chair.

Anyone else done this?
Not quite to that extent, but I've:

1) Bought games I already owned that I replay from time to time, because I don't want to carry my entire "replay from time to time" game collection with me all the time (I move a lot)

2) Bought older games that I couldn't make work (or make work well) within 15 minutes.

However, I pay promo prices for the above, not regular prices.

The way I see it, an hour of my time is worth at least 20$, so if I waste 30 minutes not having fun to try make something work, I just flushed at least 10$ down the toilet. I'd rather pay 3$ instead.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by Magnitus
tritone: At least with GOG, the digital bits come down the Internet hose and go directly to my drive, where the spinning motion and centrifugal force keeps all the bits in place.
mistermumbles: But what happens in a SSD? I've never seen one leaking. Should I be scared?
Nobody knows what happens inside an SSD. NOBODY.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by tritone
I wish they would put the wizardry series on gog, i'd like to get a copy of wiz 7 gold that runs on win 7.

i'm sure they all do, but the version i have has a 16 bit installation program, so i can't get the dang thing to install on win 7!

also my copy of darkstone doesn't install on win 7 either. I almost bought it from gog, but truth be told i only have so much money and can't get EVERY game i want!
Post edited September 30, 2012 by ashout