Aliasalpha: ]I reckon smurfs get picked because they're easy. No codex deviations (other than the occasional "Ooh we fight tyranids so much we're slightly specialised, how rebellious!") means they just have to set up the genetically engineered super soldier (who are way cooler than any of the poser wannabe supersoldiers) and talk about the emperor a lot. With other chapters they have to set up additional information or lose the uniqueness of a non smurf chapter.
Blood Angels: Black rage & hints of gayness
Space Wolves: Wolfy viking tendencies & ladles of gayness
Dark Angels: The Fallen, deathwing, ravenwing & buckets of awesomeness
So, you hate the Ultramarines because... there's nothing especially weird about them? You're making Robert Guilleman cry. "Generic" isn't necessarily bad, you know. The way I think of it, what makes the Ultramarines distinct is that they've actually struck a balance between being Emperor-bothering tightasses and being borderline heretics.
Plus, I expect the movie to mostly be a whole lot of mindless violence. If mindless violence is what we're going for, the Ultramarines will do as well as any other chapter.