Ramba_Ral: The pops system is completely retarded where you have Swedes converting to be Afro-American pops...Yes! The whole upper house system is stupid as hell.
All of this because Johan is an idiot.
trusteft: Almost as stupid as having africans or arabs going to Sweden and getting the Swedish citizenship? I don't know, it sounds realistic to me, at least up to a point.
Mind you, I don't have the game yet, I am just going by what you said.
Who is Johan and why is he an idiot?
This is set during the era of national awakenings. Sure, you can have people of similar cultures assimilate to the dominant culture. But, cultural outsiders shouldn't be assimilated. The rate of assimilation is silly as well where by half way through the game or so you'll almost have an 100% cultural homogeneous country.
Johan is a Paradox developer where most of the problems with Victoria 2 is with his ideas.
You see, fascists and communists can ally with each other because they hate political reforms and want to give social reforms.