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From time to time I have gotten game, played for a day or two then put it away because I did not enjoy it. Only to try it again a few weeks or months later and find that I really did like the game after I gave it a chance.

Perfect example is Civilizations 5. I have loved all the Civ games but when I got Civ 5 I was immediately put off by it (hexes! blasphemy! And what is with all this automation! Don’t tell me how to run my empire!). So I did not play in for months. Recently I thought I would give it a try and play a standard game from begin to end. After a few false starts I started to figure out the new mechanics and found that the game was a lot of fun. Sure it was very different than Civ 4 but it brought a lot of new and interesting ideas to the table.

Are there any games that you did not like at first but later grew to like?
Psychonauts definitely. When i first played i was unaware what Double Fine is, and stopped playing after.... maybe 20 minutes.
Recently i gave it a second chance - mainly beacuse all the praise here - and man. What a ride that was;)

Terror from the Deep - for almost 15 years i tried to start playing - but i always get annoyed by shitty weapons, that mimic those from original.

Deus Ex - started playing, but imedietelyt put it way. Im looking for a chance to playing again - i im sure i just had bad expectations, so this time in good spirits;)
Post edited February 10, 2012 by Artemis_E
I don't think I completed Fallout (1) until my 5th install. I didn't get through Sacred until I picked up the expansion with the demon class in a bargain bin.

My worst offense though was with Anachronox. I never got off the station until maybe my third attempt at playing this game, I really hate JRPG combat, especially early game. I play Anachronox once a year now (kind of like watching Bladerunner, I just have to). The story, characters and even some of the moves make it worth suffering through the fights.
Hero of Might and Magic 4 I guess. When it first came out, I played for a while them gave it up after a while thinking HoMM 3 was much better. However, later I replayed it and it actually become my favourite over HoMM 3.
Ultima 5 and Dragon Wars.
Bought them as a kid, but didn't play them much. 20+ years later I replayed them, enjoyed them and completed them.
The D&D rule based games in general.

First I tried to play them like Diablo, and that obviously didn't work out. I have started Baludr's Gate 2 5 or 6 times, and quit before finishing the first dungeon or right after it.

But then I took the time to read about them in the net and started Planescape Torment with the right mindset. I still like (old) JRPGs better, but D&D games (BG2/ PST/ IWD) have grown on me very much over the past year.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. I bought it a couple of years ago, and just couldn't get into it. I actually gave it for about 14 hours before I just gave up and didn't touch it for a long time.
A year later... Maybe it was because of a new medication I started taking, maybe I was in a bad mood when I tried it the first time, maybe I just got sick of all the generic CoD games and clones and needed something with more depth...
Whatever the case, I tried it again, and instantly loved it. I've since played through it or its expansions about 10 times.
As Artemis_E said, Deus Ex is also a game that grew on me. When I first reached the airport I had pretty much given up on the game, but people kept encouraging me to continue so I did and now it's one of my favorite games. I'm still not too fond of the early levels, but the later ones are great.
thebum06: As Artemis_E said, Deus Ex is also a game that grew on me. When I first reached the airport I had pretty much given up on the game, but people kept encouraging me to continue so I did and now it's one of my favorite games. I'm still not too fond of the early levels, but the later ones are great.
Deus Ex only really started with the secod level. mindblowing
Oh god, where to start.

GOD: "Why not with Fallout 3? I like Fallout 3. Gave me some good new ideas."
Thanks God! You're the best. Sorry for all the blasphemy over the day. :(

Fallout 3: RAAAAAGE. What is this crap?! Are you shitting me? I will forever hate you. Meh, lets get this over with. Whatttt?! I killed that super-mutant with a laser pistol. FFFUUUUUu...
Okay, the doctor said that I should take it easy after that heart attack. I guess I shouldn't play Fallout 3. I should just uninstall it. Yeah... but first, I just want to try and blow megaton up. It should be fun....
Aaaand game over. Sacrifice thy self ftw. Wow, that sure was fun.

Baldurs Gate 2: I had mixed feeling about this one from the start. I wasn't really ready to understand the D&D rule set and my first try was a confusing trial and error, culminating with my party's almost instant death by the claws of Umber-hulks in D'arnise hold. Only later did I figure it out that with a gas cloud I can do the opposite to them. Anyway, yeah, I had to start over a few times to get the hang of it.

Divine Divinity: About the same issues as with BG2, after a while I bumped into a wall and kinda let myself put it down for a while. Then I took a class in stfu you crybaby and forced myself to play some more. After a while I was playing because I was enjoying it. If a game has alchemy, that's normal, because I like making my own things in games.

Freelancer: man, this one was a weird one. I loved the game at the start, then hated it for an unknown reason. I guess the story flow killed it for me - you had to start making money when the game told you to, and had to do it until it was satisfied. Ugh. Came to my senses and finished it nonetheless.

Brothers in arms: hell's highway: I really tried to like the game, but it seemed flawed somehow. the quasi realism might have been at fault. I know the game has a "realistic" mode, but that was a bit too much because it wasn't just you, but your whole squad. Anyway, I finished the game, and I thought it was good, but I had to claw myself over some levels, and some weeks went by with me just hating the mechanics.

There are a lot o other games that fit this category, but it's issues are mostly related to the ones I already wrote about. In general I try to finish a game that I don't really like only to find some parts I do like.
Avadon. It's grown on me since the last time I played. Only problem is, it's so plot heavy and I'm struggling to remember where I was at x.x
First one that comes to mind is Hitman. I hated that series for a long time based on some very brief gameplay under weird conditions... played the last one a long time later and was like "oh, this is awesome, nevermind."

Another one that stands out to me is Deus Ex Invisible War, which I hated due to disappointment when it came out the same as everyone else. When I eventually gave it a try again with lower expectations I ended up really enjoying it.
The Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate series. It's the D&D rules that made them difficult to start, but after some painful lessons and spectacular failures I did get the hang of things.