I first heard about GOG about the time they started, in an article in PC Gamer, I think. I had a look at the site, but didn't stick around. I was even more distrustful of digital distribution platforms then. The 32 games currently on my GOG account, however, does imply that I've mellowed a little :-)
Anyway, flash forward a few years, and another mention on the PC Gamer website, and I think "Oh year, them. May as well see if it's changed." I spent the next half an hour or so going through GOG's catalogue, squeeing like a school girl, with phrases like "Holy SHIT, I've always wanted to play that!"
A month later I had some money and bought Psychonauts. Now, I'm steadily working through my ever increasing wish list, as well as trying to find time to play all the games I already have.
Not a bad predicament to be in, all told.