El_Caz: Even though Steam is by far the most successful online game distributor, people worry about what will happen if it ever closes down. Supposedly they'd release the games without the client if it ever happens
PenutBrittle: Also, Valve's stated that they've built a kill switch into the Steam DRM that, in the event that Valve had to shut down, would remove the Steam requirement from the games and, in theory, allow you to redownload any game and make a physical back up for a limited time.
I guess Valve once promised or implied something like that, but still I have a few reservations with that theory:
1. Why isn't that promise mentioned in Steam EULA? In fact, why does the EULA state pretty much the opposite, ie. Valve has no obligation to anyone in case they are shut down?
2. I have hard time believing it is only up to Valve to decide whether they can release all the games of THQ, Ubisoft, EA, etc. etc. etc. without DRM to their users, whenever they feel so (like before the closure). The publishers still own the rights to those games even though Steam is distributing them, and they have hardly agreed on anything like that when they signed with Steam.
3. If there was a mere "switch" to make all Steam games DRM-free, then pirates would have certainly found that trapdoor already, years ago. It is a mere red herring, I don't believe Valve would have made their DRM system that vulnerable. It is obvious they would have to re-release each of the 1100 or so titles separately DRM-free, a separate crack for each game, if they wanted to release them Steam/DRM-free to their customers.
4. Quite frankly, when a company is near to closure and its technical experts have fled the sinking ship to other companies, creating and releasing cracks to thousands of games is probably lowest on the dying company's, or what's left of it, priority list., even if that pisses off some EX-customers.
It is fine to believe that Steam will be around "forever" or that they will never change the way you can access your games (like changing the service to a streaming game service), but frankly I do not believe one second they would release all their games Steam-free if the unthinkable (closure ot something similar) happened. Maybe their own Valve games, maybe, but that's all.