Wishbone: It's funny, lots of people say that.
My experience with Freelancer was more or less exactly the opposite. In the beginning it was pretty open, but soon the game pulled me into a completely linear and inescapable scripted series of battles, with no possibility of repairing or restocking my ship inbetween. I think the 6th battle in a row did me in, I quit the game in frustration and never went back to it.
The singleplayer is mostly linear until you finish the campaign, then the world opens up. But several features were never properly implemented, so there's for example no variable pricing for commodities. The multiplayer just drops you on Planet Manhatten with the Starflier and some cash and you're free to do whatever.
There are however many mods and persistent online servers for the game, that adds a lot of content and features. There are few of these mods that have singleplayer versions unfortunately, and I could never be assed with the multiplayer because most of the servers have forced RP/larping, which I find to be very lame indeed.