Posted February 09, 2010

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Purple Dot Cultist
Registered: Oct 2008
From France
Posted February 09, 2010

Maths are an exact science. Religion is a subjective subject. I acknowledged his point of view and I even said I was fine that he had a different point of view. I don't know what's wrong with that. Sorry.

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From Germany
Posted February 09, 2010

You either entertain an interesting and extreme personal philosophy or you just go to great lengths to conceal that you got something wrong. Anyway, you certainly will have very extensive arguments.

Yes, very
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 09, 2010
Has anyone mentioned 'Bad Religion' yet? :P

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted February 09, 2010

Actually it does. As this proves. If we're constantly tripping over each other's definitions then communication would become impossible. Especially when the words used to explain each definition may also have a different definition. It would be worse than learning a whole new language.

Resident Old Man
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted February 09, 2010
Post edited February 09, 2010 by Stuff

Registered: Oct 2008
From Panama
Posted February 09, 2010

in your opinion, in what form/design do you rationalize the existence of it/he/she? how does it "look like" for you?
I'm not exactly a theist, though I'm pretty sure catholics don't really give a shape to God, regardless of that line about men being "created in his image". God is not the old beardy man you see on paintings.
To me, the Universe is so big and so complicated that I find it hard to believe we little specks of minuscule flesh and blood in this tiny mudball among the cosmos are the biggest thing out there. Hell, if scientists nowadays are thinking about multiverses and such, I find not believing in something greater than myself as difficult and irrational as believing in it. We simply have no evidence either way.

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From Germany
Posted February 09, 2010
You know what the problem is? You're arguing about religion and Navagon and me are arguing about semantics. No wonder that there is no conclusion in sight.
Cambrey: Maths are an exact science. Religion is a subjective subject. I acknowledged his point of view and I even said I was fine that he had a different point of view. I don't know what's wrong with that. Sorry.
Math rules are just as based on convenience and agreement as semantic rules. I mean, 1+1 is 2 and 0 and many other things depending on the system you use. As I said, you could make up your very own one in which it is 2344,991 and stick to that. But what would it get you, besides problems with doing maths with others? Same thing with assigning your own meaning to a word. It is not wrong ethically or boolean, but it greatly complicates communication.

Math rules are just as based on convenience and agreement as semantic rules. I mean, 1+1 is 2 and 0 and many other things depending on the system you use. As I said, you could make up your very own one in which it is 2344,991 and stick to that. But what would it get you, besides problems with doing maths with others? Same thing with assigning your own meaning to a word. It is not wrong ethically or boolean, but it greatly complicates communication.

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Resident Old Man
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States

Purple Dot Cultist
Registered: Oct 2008
From France
Posted February 09, 2010

The problem I have with you Navagon, is that you keep defining "communication" to me, and here I am, agreeing with most of what you are saying. But that wasn't my point since the beginning.
Now, tell me, what did you do ? Did you try to build an argumentation based on your own experiences ? Did you try to convince me with your own knowledge. Absolutely not. That's absolutely not what you did. Instead, you totally "shortcut-ted" (if I may say) right there, the "communication", by throwing me the all mighty wikipedia in my face. And that, less than 2 minutes after our first exchange. Is that the way you build an argumentation ? By starting a "haha-look-at-my-random-link-that-proves-that-I-am-right" battle. Call me moron if you want, but that's not the way I debate.
Post edited February 09, 2010 by Cambrey

The Supercargo
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hong Kong
Posted February 09, 2010
My religion? The one the Lord and I worked out betwixt' ourselves.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted February 09, 2010
what religion do i worship none for i am a god!
Unless you count my own religion then yes i do worship my own named after me urukdom.
I was drinking to much when i made up the name.
i go by many names and have many titles.
i am the lord of necromancers, lord of dance, prince of death,Lord of darkness,master of life and death,Leader of the dead,guide of the lost souls,King of the underworld,Master of hell,eater of life,the one who can't be named,Master of the magic arts, Master of the forge,Prince of fire,Lord of rebirth.
Just to name a few of my many names and titles.
Unless you count my own religion then yes i do worship my own named after me urukdom.
I was drinking to much when i made up the name.
i go by many names and have many titles.
i am the lord of necromancers, lord of dance, prince of death,Lord of darkness,master of life and death,Leader of the dead,guide of the lost souls,King of the underworld,Master of hell,eater of life,the one who can't be named,Master of the magic arts, Master of the forge,Prince of fire,Lord of rebirth.
Just to name a few of my many names and titles.

New User
Registered: Feb 2010
From Sweden
Posted February 09, 2010
my self

Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 09, 2010
Christianity. Specifically, United Methodist.