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CaptainGyro: Went into work while tripping on acid?
I couldn't even tell anybody "hey I am tripping my balls off" .When you have to hold that in, it can cause negative mind-echoes, man.
hehe i did that on occasion. With 'cid loading chairs at a ski resort. Not so socially responsible that. But dude, who knew there was so magic in machinery. What a trip! And once i picked some wild shrooms (cyanesence) before work (early bird gets the worm and that). i was trippin slightly from the contact of the picking, and so ate a couple fresh caps as well. i, knew how those cyans roll, what to expect. Turns out our dishwasher called in sick (probably cuz the cyans were poppin), so i was left with his duties and busing tables, while doing my regular job of prep-cook, plate garnish and order-cop. The place was busy. Sunny days after days of cold frost laden fog. Brought the mushrooms out, and the people. Was wild. Everything clicked. Like kung-fu in the kitchen :) i don't know that i could'a done it without the focusing help of the mushrooms.
Fun take on this:

Sorry if that's a distraction.
Watch my dog die. He got diabetes and then went blind ... Slept with me every night as I took care of him for two years .. and then that one cold morning he kept wanting to go outside and he never came back in. I wanted to go with him. I miss him so much.
It was hard when my premie son died and harder still when my Mom passed but then I wasn't alone .... When BLUE died it was just me and him ... and that was rough ... kept trying but nothing helped. Time to go -then it's time to go.
Post edited January 12, 2013 by Simbabluenobi
Simbabluenobi: Watch my dog die. He got diabetes and then went blind ... Slept with me every night as I took care of him for two years .. and then that one cold morning he kept wanting to go outside and he never came back in. I wanted to go with him. I miss him so much.
I feel your pain. That is a sad part of life indeed. Bless you!
This thread is starting to depress the hell out of me. I was worried that my cancer thing was going to be too much of a downer but I'm beginning to feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Besides, the only family members of mine I ever had to bury were the ones that I killed.
Well, without putting too much thought into it, I'd say basic training for the Army.

Hardest thing I didn't do but had to deal with: losing both my parents in a four-month period.

Hardest thing these days: putting up with my gf. :-)
Got divorced and put together a good life again.
I listen to my wife talk for 15mins, my brain still hurts.
Barnell: I listen to my wife talk for 15mins, my brain still hurts.
What happens when she reads this? Can I have your games? Your car?
Barnell: I listen to my wife talk for 15mins, my brain still hurts.
tinyE: What happens when she reads this? Can I have your games? Your car?
Hmmmm maybe I should thing before I post
Might seem a bit insignificant compared to the mentions of death in this thread, but dealing with an undiagnosed scabies infestation for at least 3-4 months.
No way! This is more like the most fun I've ever had!
Me personally? Nine months of pregnancy, followed by 29 hours of labor.

And then the next 7-8 years until the first, and then second, child both got old enough for school. It got easier then. :)

Things I haven't actually done, but witnessed/coped with? A number of deaths, some sudden, some at the end of long battles with illness.
Post edited January 12, 2013 by Luned
Taking a shit after being constipated for a week.