Posted June 01, 2013
Here on GoG, and if they don't have it feel free to mention it as well.
I think here on GoG my favorite game would have to be Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, I absolutely love everything World of Darkness, even the short live TV show Kindred: The Embraced was awesome and I wish it would have gotten a proper run but of course it was on FOX so it never really had a chance.
My second favorite is Zork, even though I don't own it, it has to be one of my favorite games.
I am also really loving Unepic right now as well, best $5 I have spent in a while.
I think here on GoG my favorite game would have to be Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, I absolutely love everything World of Darkness, even the short live TV show Kindred: The Embraced was awesome and I wish it would have gotten a proper run but of course it was on FOX so it never really had a chance.
My second favorite is Zork, even though I don't own it, it has to be one of my favorite games.
I am also really loving Unepic right now as well, best $5 I have spent in a while.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Ki11s0n3