Super important questions:
Are you familiar with AD&D2E?
Do you like dying a lot?
Do you enjoy games that just say "you are the chosen one, save the world!" without any explanation behind the over-used cliche?
If you have answered yes to all 3 of these questions: Play BG first.
If not, start with Arcanum or Planescape.
Planescape has a super unique story and some screwed up version of AD&D2E rules, I'll admit I've never been able to get in to the story, but the setting is awesome and it's one of the early games that really gives you real free choice on how you handle some things. It's also got an insane setting. On the flipside though, it's very low action.
Arcanum is one of my favoritest RPGs of all time, the story is semi-interesting, though it does have the "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!" start.. except it comes from someone who seems crazy and is blathering about like a fool.. so it starts leaving you to decide what this bastid is going on about. It's not overly forgiving early on, but still moreso than BG, and it's got an awesome steampunk world. It has a classless system that has both magic and technology, and lets you craft nifty things.
Just a fair warning though, it's also very poorly balanced and the rights builds are outright broken late game.
BG, on the otherhand, is AD&D2E rules- which are garbage for a video game. Plain and simple, 'by the book' they just SUCK for video games. D&D is designed to have one or two combats a day, not every time you turn around there's a fight.. which is what video game players expect.. yet they don't stop and revamp the D&D rules to suit a video game environment better..
If you can overlook that irritation, it has the most cliche start ever. You're an orphan, being looked after by this uber dude.. then something happens and it's revealed that 'you are the chosen one'.. but he doesn't get a chance to explain it to you.
The only remotely redeeming quality of BG (to me) is the cast of NPCs that can join your party.. they did a great job of capturing the feel of a real D&D party.. AKA a disjointed group of dimwits who are more interested in antics and fuckery.. which is fine in a D&D game if you have a party and DM that are cool with it.. but not in a video game.
Take that how you will, with the knowledge that I have tried to get in to BG many times, and every time I have been bored to tears by it, and .. just absolutely do not enjoy any aspect of it at all.
(and before "well you just don't like oldschool RPGs" I love Fallout, ToEE, IWD, and I want to like Planescape but the story just doesn't grab me...)