TheEnigmaticT: War Inc. is sitting on the shelf behind me; it's part of the 300+ games I brought with me from the States in binders when I came over. Good game, though I recall a few weird exploits in it.
As for how
you can get it? Got no idea, man.
Just watch out, now that we know you have a copy (good taste, by the way!), a bunch of frenzied gamers might just try and plunder it from you ;-). (Not me, of course, I'm too peaceful for that, but I can't say for everyone.) To prevent this, you could maybe (just
maybe) hint at its acquisition when speaking with your felloww staff members?
In all seriousness, though, War, Inc. is a waaaay too underrated and forgotten game. I still have fond memories of it, like designing my first hovering tank, balancing between a badass gun and good survivability (and not so fond ones, like the dreaded "Mine exhausted" announcement in a completely matter-of-fact manner).