HonigGurke: Why are all games only in English??
Tza: Well... french dubbed games are (often) subpar. Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Deus Ex: HR in french... yiiirk.
So, for me, games in english are a blessing from the heavens. Really.
Same here. I always try to play games in the original language if I can, and English if I can't.
The voice actors are typically much better in English, and you almost always lose some things in translations.
As for the reason GOG mostly provides English-only games, I'd guess it mostly has to do with licensing issues (since often games are published by different companies in different languages) and cost effectiveness.
It's likely that there simply aren't, for instance, potential customers who can only speak German to make getting the German version of games worth it. Same with French or just about any other language than English.