granny: (sorry to bump this, but...)
Well, I just finished the game. It... wasn't bad.
But for my money, it has the same problem BioShock does, in that it's trying to be all "hey, look at what you're doing!", but doesn't give you the right choices at the right time.
"There's always a choice..." Yes, that's true. And at every such moment the game thoughtfully pointed out to me at the end, my choice was 'do what the game wants me to do to progress the story' or 'stop playing the game'. After those moments, everything that happened afterwards wasn't my fault in the slightest.
The moments in gaming that have left the greatest impression on me, the moments that have affected me the most, are the moments where I had a proper in-game choice (KoTOR 2, Vampire: Bloodlines). Here? As well told and well presented as everything was, the moment that was obviously meant to elicit an 'oh my god what have I done?' reaction... didn't have a choice. And that completely killed the intended impact of that moment.
Still, it was a very well told story nonetheless. It kept me interested to the end, the characters were good, the voice acting was mostly excellent, and the...
*minor spoiler start* ethereal flip-out bits
*minor spoiler end* were very well done.
So, overall, not a bad game, very good story, and it'd be nice to see more 'grown up' tales like this. But again I'm left wondering if I've stupidly missed something, or if I'm just totally maladjusted :-)
There's often a choice the game doesn't seem to give you, I'd be happy to PM you an example or two. The "Line Crossed" and "The Line Not Crossed" achievements are pretty good examples of a slightly more obvious nature. I'll freely admit, the stinging irony of the game is that my presumptions made me think I had no choice when I did in fact have a choice. Sometimes I choose an option that was overall worse because I was too naive to recognize this.