Altmaster: This not a condition or a rule. It's the simple fact that New Zealand gets the censored Australian version of the game and it's not made readily apparent when purchasing.
Don't you have anything better to do than play devil's advocate where it's absolutely unneeded? Enjoy the fact that you get the proper version of the game and find something better to do.
GameRager: I agree a warning should've been put up, but part of the blame goes to the unwise consumer who doesn't check every aspect of a purchase they can before making it.
mezla1058: Why are you playing dumb again? There was no indication that we were buying the AU version at any stage of the process. There was nothing to read.
GameRager: There was this thread, which was up days before the sales started....and several articles about it as well on the internet.
But is a consumer unwise if they live in a country that doesn't have censorship and not do research to see if the game is censored or not in their country before purchasing a game? It would only be unwise for a German or Austrailian to not do their research... I mean, if your country doesn't have censorship of games, then doing research to see if The Witcher 2 is going to be censored for you is close to doing research to see if space aliens will invade Earth...