Posted August 19, 2010
I've been thinking a lot about New Vegas' "hardcore" mode, with all the extra "survival factors" like your basic trilogy of food, water, and shelter, the forced sleeping, and extra medical factors (fresh in my mind is Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth's medkit usage system, where you actually had to find a safe and quite corner to spend time patching yourself up). One of the things I haven't seen in any Fallout games is absorbing rads via direct sunlight. One of the things I learned in high school JROTC was that one of the first punches in the hole in the Ozone layer was the testing of the "Ivy Mike" hydrogen bomb.
Given that World War III in the Fallout universe ended in hundreds of nuclear explosions (of what yield, though, I'm not privy to), the Ozone layer most certainly must have been torn away. According to the plot of New Vegas, 203 years have past since the Apocalypse. Assuming the survivors haven't been using any aerosol products in the interim (it was, after all, based in Golden Age American culture), and canonically the Wanderer didn't detonate the Megaton bomb, is 203 years enough time for the Ozone Layer to repair itself after being obliterated? Is self-repair even an option at this point?
Given that World War III in the Fallout universe ended in hundreds of nuclear explosions (of what yield, though, I'm not privy to), the Ozone layer most certainly must have been torn away. According to the plot of New Vegas, 203 years have past since the Apocalypse. Assuming the survivors haven't been using any aerosol products in the interim (it was, after all, based in Golden Age American culture), and canonically the Wanderer didn't detonate the Megaton bomb, is 203 years enough time for the Ozone Layer to repair itself after being obliterated? Is self-repair even an option at this point?