reaver894: Its been like that for years.
Technically it only pays for the BBC but people get fined anyway even if they have the BBC channels blocked. its like 130£ a year now.
Basiccally if you have a TV in the UK you have to pay a license fee, even if its only used for an xbox or PS3 cause they will still come after you.
lugum: yeah they gonna hide in the bushes with a camera and if they see you having the tv turned on better watch out.
hate politics where they get the average joe instead of the hard criminals and imposing taxes upon everything.
Not exactly but they are able to detect when there is a TV on and if the address has a license, used to be a van went round IIRC
If you dont have a license the TV will still work but you will be fined if your found to be using it.
And yes the BBC also takes out commercials but they still find ways of getting people to plug their crap, Take "the one show" for example, when was the last time they had a guest that wasnt trying to advertise their crap. It isnt like they snuck it in either, the damn presenters are the ones bringing it up.
MonstaMunch: EDIT: according to wikipedia, i'm wrong. However, if a building is divided into separate units for rental, each unit needs a separate licence.
This is true any residence needs a license, an HMO with 10 rented rooms I believe needs 10 licenses if there is a TV in each room even. but if they have 1 communal then they dont.
A house split into 4 flats needs 4 licenses 1 per flat