Roberttitus: People like you are the kind of people who cause things like school shootings. Oh its okay to mock people because sticks & stones can break bones but words can never hurt... that is bullshit and you know it. Words can do just as much (& often times more) that physical violence. People blow not only there own brains out but also other people's brains out on a daily basis (often times even those "innocent" of there state of mind) due to words... y'know those things that should be our god given right... those things that do absolutely no harm. You are right though...Free speech is right guaranteed in this country & you can say whatever the hell you want. Make fun of people all you want... I mean it don't hurt you any, so why should you care?
GameRager: Nice try. This woman isn't mentally unstable beyond not knowing how to dress right imo and doesn't seem to be distraught either. Also she sought out FOX NEWS of all people to tell her "story" instead of using more civil and private channels(courts/etc) to settle this so NO, I have no sympathy for either of them.
Also btw there's a big diff. between bullying someone based on their physical appearance(body/etc) or race and joking about their clothes. Learn to grow up and maybe you'll understand. Maybe you need to let go of the mocking you experienced(just a guess) before it lingers too long within you and rots your soul or something.
Okay... Robert... One... No... "People like them" are not who causes school shootings. That's an absurdly hyperbolic claim that attributes far too much simplicity to far too complex a problem. And as problems go, it isn't even a terribly important one because school shootings are statistically irrelevant. They are aberrant occurrences which are indeed tragic, but which create knee jerk emotional responses and far reaching over-reaction.
But I agree that bullying is problem. I think your overall response is far more emotionally charged than the topic at hand deserves, and your claim that we'd all be better off if we could all just get along ignores exactly the very hardwired psychology of the human animal which is exactly why we can't. It also ignores the million or so other complex reasons for why we do in fact seem to act like a species at each others throats.
But that said, you are brimming over with what I think is honest compassion, and I'll be damned if I'm ever gonna let a guy be ridiculed for so essential a trait as that. Hats off brother... compassion is in short supply and while it won't solve the problems of the world, it does create cash and food and clothes and shelter for hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, tornado, fire, meteor strike, zombie outbreak, and alien abduction relief. Compassion rescues children from the third floor of burning buildings. Compassion cause good men and women to run into danger when others are running away.
But compassion must be tempered with reason if only because it isn't the solitary trait that will heal all sickness and strife and cause rainbows and unicorns to appear... and because that same temperament keeps one from throwing gasoline on a fire by accusing others of being the cause of senseless tragic violence, like school shootings.
And Gameranger... two... no... the woman in question was not wearing a ripped lace mini-skirt and a Hulk Hogan tank top, like the intended victims of that site typically do. She was a normal blue-collar lower middle class Midwesterner in a coat, probably because it was damn cold outside. And her daughter was asking only the the picture be removed... and why not... it was embarrassing to her and her mom, and its inclusion on the site was uncalled for.
And she didn't go to Fox News... she went to her local Fox network affiliate, which is not the same as the fake news channel that has Glen Beck crying about socialist Kenyans and Bill O'Reilly taking cheap shots at teachers and steelworkers while sucking at the teats of his corporate billionaire puppetmasters.
And you are not just "telling it like it is." You're telling like you subjectively believe it might be and you are doing it with inflammatory language and there just isn't a good reason to do that because you are a smart person with legitimate points of view who could win people over to those points if you'd communicate them with... Oh, I don't know... an ounce of fucking compassion?
You know... the anonymous basement people in their pajamas who haunt the Internet with their scorn and derision spend almost all their waking hours being wrong and being dicks. They start websites like People Of Wal Mart, 4Chan, Stormfront, NewsMax, and Justin Beiber's Never Say Never Dot Com.
Let this shit slide.
Humans do bad stuff. Despite being bad, if you look at it from the top down, it's pretty damn funny. I have to remember, every day, that there are 6 billion people on Earth and when the herd is thinned a little bit, its okay... because otherwise I'd sink so deep into the bowels of depression that I'd just want to kill myself. Whatever. There but for the grace and all that... but the dude wearing a trash bag to Wal Mart is funny...
What else is funny?
There is a governor in Wisconsin who is trying to convince me that teachers are living in the lap of luxury with their 50K plus beni's salary. That's funny.
There is a dictator in Libya who insists his people love him, while the people are burning the country down. That's hysterical.
And in Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is actually criticizing Muammar Gaddafi for human rights violation and being a despot... Dudes, if that shit isn't funny, then I don't know what funny it.
And you are all fighting about pictures of people who shop at Wal mart in (usually) inappropriate clothes.
You know, if you look hard enough, there's a fake Baptist Church which just won a Supreme Court case allowing them to go to the funerals of fallen soldiers and shit on their graves while grieving parents just look on in pain. I mean, if you wanna burn up some moral outrage, there is a venue...
/rant off