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Get a PS3 Dual Shock 3 and google for motionjoy.
Perfect combo :P
Galimatias: Get a PS3 Dual Shock 3 and google for motionjoy.
Perfect combo :P
wodmarach: Whenever I see people recommend PS pads I have to wonder..
Are your hands broken and like gnarled into claws or something? They are perhaps the worst designed and least comfortable controllers I know! the triggers are the wrong way round they should be scalloped not bowed! and don't get me started on the problem with the thumbstick positioning in modern gaming...

Sorry I know some people prefer them but I do kinda wonder if those people have never used an alternative pad...
Gustibus non est disputandum.
I just prefer the PS3 pad to the failing atrocity that the Xbox pad is ;)
Galimatias: Gustibus non est disputandum.
I just prefer the PS3 pad to the failing atrocity that the Xbox pad is ;)
Taleroth: Do you need a bluetooth receiver or does the charge cord actually convey that data?
Didn't try with a bt dongle yet, but the mini usb cord that can charge the dualshock is capable of controlling him as well.