ovoon: How come GoG games aren't supported by Xfire? My friend can pirate Fallout and Evil Genius, and it logs his hours, but I actually buy games from GoG and my hours aren't clocked. I know this doesn't mean much to people, but I check out what my friends play and vice versa all the time. So I'd like my friends to see that I'm into logging hours in... y'know, good games.
Any of 3 reasons:
1) They use different registry entries because they don't use the same installer (and can be added manually in Xfire) - Example: Fallout (if I remember correctly)
2) The exe file is name differently (and Xfire's config file need to be edited before the game can be added manually or automatically found) - Example: Broken Sword 3
3) Xfire only detects the Steam version which relies on Steam's weirdness with folders and whatnot (kind of a combination of 1 and 2 with added retardedness) - Example: Abe's Odyssee
Either way, the correct place to ask is actually at the Xfire board, more specifically, the
games suggestion board. Make a new topic or find an old one for the game (the rules are to have a single topic for each game and a single game per topic), tell them that the GOG version is not auto-detected by Xfire (and wether or not it can be manually added). With a little luck more people feel the same way, the topic gets a few replies, and the Xfire team takes notice and has the GOG game included in the next update.