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Starkrun: VLC is beaing a pain in the ass... anyways its right around 1:30 after he kills a pig cop it says Hold "B" For MIG14 i think the gun name is hard to see there is also an icon for a handgun below it.

Thanks for the info and updates.
I couldn't find this MIG14. I saw two times "Hold ? for M1911", which is a pistol, and I can't identify what key is ?.
And seconds later, there's a word which I can't identify under a big central red dot (when he kicks the pig at 1:41).
Post edited February 01, 2010 by taczillabr
Why does he sound like he has a cold in the first line "always bet on duke"?
Miaghstir: Why does he sound like he has a cold in the first line "always bet on duke"?
Given the time it took and still will take to develop DNF, the voice actors are put into cryostatic sleep between recording sessions.
Actually according to the source material at 3D Realms the game and all sequences are 80% complete, there are only a few sequences of story that need finished, since all the assets exist its up to a script-er and mapping to create the story.
Aliasalpha: I'm half tempted to make a game called Battlecruiser Daikatana Forever...

Best title for a game ever, the tagline should be: "Balls of steel never rust"
Here's a way to get an infinitely better product than what Duke Nukem Forever will be when it is released (and it WILL be released, under a new title or not):
1. Play Duke Nukem 3D
2. Play it FOREVER
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by 3D Realms Entertainment. "
OH REALLY? *eyebrows raised*
Despite the entire clusterfuck that DNF has become, I'd still dish out the $60 to get it. My only fear is that the original game was built on controversy and immaturity, something that, for the most part, the average gamer has grown out of, and the industry has moved past. While I'd still have fun with it, I highly doubt it would be the game to end all.
It was asked to not be shown on many sites, and deleted all references to it from there forums, and other sites now have it off line as well.
Add this with the statements from Scott and of John St.John its all but known its really actually coming.
yes! i was missing the countdown thread
michaelleung: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by 3D Realms Entertainment. "
OH REALLY? *eyebrows raised*

another link:
Starkrun: It was asked to not be shown on many sites, and deleted all references to it from there forums, and other sites now have it off line as well.
Add this with the statements from Scott and of John St.John its all but known its really actually coming.

Yeah, seems like something is going on.
Hope they release this damn thing. Probably it is going on on courts as a separate thing, and if they get lucky they'll do the rest of the game until the end of 2010. :)
Are you following the forums there, every day? any posts or statements from the 3DR guys?
Duke Fart'em Forever....
Post edited February 05, 2010 by KingofGnG
The trailer was less than impressive though. TBH if this ever made it into the final game, then I'd rather see DNF never released.
yeah Im a regular there, and basically 3DR stays out for the most... the facebook page and some twitters are all we have...
the original team that worked on DNF is dispersed, if its really being worked on ((shitton of new media prove it is)) then its all new guys....
I have every piece of data the old team dropped on the web though job applications and on there online Resumes and i can say unless someone got a hold of the Jaycee Hall demo or the share holder demo then this is truly new...
since 3DR is going ape over the content and getting it pulled it really means something.
Starkrun: since 3DR is going ape over the content and getting it pulled it really means something.

Yes, but it can be both, good or bad news.
If good, maybe they'll do a surprise release, with the content that they have already plus hiring new people to finish the game.