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Hey all,

Just downloaded and installed NWN2 complete. Game works, but when I try to create a character I cannot see any subrace options - I can make a moon elf or a fire genasi, but not a sun elf or water genasi, for example. And some of the text seems to be missing.

Some googling leads me to believe that the problem is a bad dialog.tlk file. But why? It's a brand new, pristine install. Uninstalling and re-installing did not fix the problem. I'm hoping to avoid a re-download, since that's a pretty long process.

One fix would be to find a simple mod that includes a modified dialog.tlk but doesn't change anything major. Anyone have a suggestion for something that's just bugfixes, say?

Or any other solution to the problem?
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There is no way it is a bad dialog.tlk file if it is a pristine installation. Where did you install it to? If you installed it to the Windows' protected 'Program Files' folder structure, dont. Uninstall and re-install to somewhere like C:\Games\ .
Hickory: There is no way it is a bad dialog.tlk file if it is a pristine installation. Where did you install it to? If you installed it to the Windows' protected 'Program Files' folder structure, dont. Uninstall and re-install to somewhere like C:\Games\ .
I installed to the default location, which is C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete

Also tried an install with the "Check files integrity before installation" option.

Possibly relevant, I downloaded with the downloader overnight. The download appeared to be complete (all installer files are present) but in the GUI it didn't show as complete. Instead it is hanging at "Downloading... 6.9 GB of 6.88 GB".

Edit, by the way, I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium with SP 1.
Post edited June 09, 2013 by modal