KyleCoffey: Also, the X-fire website is a good place to start, but it seems a bit messy, and cluttered. I was a little confused where to begin there as well..Haha, I am starting to feel like I'm hopeless, did anyone else take this long or feel this confused when beginning theyre multiplayer experience?
Hehe...there is a lot of commercials that might make the Xfire website feel messy at first...but it is really not. First there is my free text on the page...where I choose to put a description of what the guild/community is about and a couple of recomended servers.
If you scroll further down you will see any screenshots and videos made by community members and also a real-time info list about the recomended server (their status, amount of players and so on).
Also there is a full list of online and offline players (roster), a forum, a news section and who knows what else...
You can actually get a lot of information from that page without even installing Xfire which is kind of cool. However...I do recomend installing it. It is by no means "necessary" for playing NWN but in general and specifically for playing on low population server I personally think it is a must.
Besides, this is a multiplayer game, which is all about playing "together" any means of communicating also outside of the game can't be bad right? MSN, Skype, Facebook, name it.... cut this a little bit short...let's just say that most of us starting out in multiplayer on NWN at first where a bit confused. Don't be afraid though...just jump in there...and you will land on your feet...I promise...
I wouldn't mind give you a voice-chat walkthrough on any of the servers from our recomended list or just voice-chat about this game in general. You do have a headset right?
Ok..maybe see ya ;-)