Bill_the_Geek: Hi folks. I realize this is one of those questions that's no doubt been asked countless times, but I'm going to ask again anyway. I'm an Ubuntu user; what's the best way to install my GOG copy of NWN on my computer?
I'm really a novice at Linux, so if at all possible I need the answer in a step-by-step, straight from the download answer. With small words. I should also note that I have *no* Windows partition on my machine, it's pure Ubuntu 12.10, 32 bit.
Thanking any helpful soul in advance,
Best way as in native or Wine?
1. With GOG 2.0 installer I would recommend using Playonlinux [install it from Software Center]. Run Playonlinux, press install and type neverwinter in "search". Choose - Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition script [script automatically installs required Wine version, dlls etc] and start installation [remember to put all 3 GoG NWN installer files in one folder]. This is the easiest way to do it.
2. If for whatever reason You choose to install NWN in system Wine remember that GoG 2.0 installer require gdiplus package to run ["Winetricks" -> "Select default prefix" -> "install a Windows DLL or component" -> "gdiplus". No such hassle with Playonlinux, script will download it automatically]. In Unity search type "uninstall wine software" -> navigate to folder with gog nwn installation files and run the first one. I don't know how NWN works with Wine 1.4.1 [software center Wine version for buntus 12.10] so I wouldn't recommend this way.
3. I'm certain that NWN native install step-by-step how-tos are more than plenty. Google -> "bioware nwn linux step by step" -> first site. [to be perfectly honest I've never installed NWN natively on Linux machine - I'm to lazy to read the whole rather lengthy step-by-step guide:-)].
If You choose 1. or 2. remember that Unity may interfere with game display [launcher and top panel may overlay game window]. Solution -> in Playonlinux: Configure->Wine tab-> Configure wine. In Graphics tab enable virtual desktop emulation and enter desired resolution [before starting the game remember to switch Ubuntu desktop resolution if you don't want to play in a window]. If NWN is installed In system Wine -> In unity search type "configure wine" -> in Graphics tab enable virtual desktop emulation and enter desired resolution.
btw - if there are any problems with the game -> info about hardware