Posted May 18, 2011
you guys think what i think?the cd projekt realesed the game unfinished with lotts of bugs the biggest resolution issue because they had a released date worry put it by their bosses and if not realeased on 17 may means problems and most important money issues?i think the guys created the game worked hard but still released the game unfinished with bugs and now the release date passed they will get out patch after patch like they did in witcher 1 when they even got out enhanted edition wich in my opinion was the finished game,same issues there to,when first released full of bugs etc problems,i think for witcher 2 after 1000000000 pathces they will get the enhanted edition of w2 wich supposed to be the real game finished now,that s the things are for games makers the release date announced it s a big problem for them
well Revial i say full of bugs because of the hundreds of topics with problems of the game and for me best "bug" it s not the black bars but the wirtings in game i get because of those bars, i can t read nothing i played 10 minutes and uninstall it,,it s really unplayeable as i saw manny complains of this native resolution,sorry for my bad english
my games for graphics run very good with ultra Ubersampling off only,but i can t play with that resolution wich makes not only the writing tinny but it s seems the games itself looks tinny dont know but it s unplayble for me,and i buyed the game from a store in my city s original
well Revial i say full of bugs because of the hundreds of topics with problems of the game and for me best "bug" it s not the black bars but the wirtings in game i get because of those bars, i can t read nothing i played 10 minutes and uninstall it,,it s really unplayeable as i saw manny complains of this native resolution,sorry for my bad english
my games for graphics run very good with ultra Ubersampling off only,but i can t play with that resolution wich makes not only the writing tinny but it s seems the games itself looks tinny dont know but it s unplayble for me,and i buyed the game from a store in my city s original
Post edited May 19, 2011 by OniCola
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