Time4Tea: This thing where you can only drink potions during meditation seems like a
very odd design choice as well. I am not sure why on Earth they would do that and it seems like it will render the potions and alchemy system next to useless. But hey, I'm willing to give it a try and see how it works out. I can put up with a bit of jank, if the plot/characters are good.
Sorry I did not give you this info earlier (had to find my notes).
The Alchemy talent tree has 2 uses for any type of build.
1) Put 6 points in and get 2 levels of Impregnate to increase the effectiveness of Mutagens.
2) Put another 6 points in to get 5 Mutagen slots.
I am a min/max type player. As such I would not put any Mutagens in a slot until I had learned 2 levels of Impregnate.
Also, I only put in Greater Mutagens, unless I was lucky enough to get a Madness Mutagen. (N.B. Basic Madness Mutagens are the only type available).
I farmed: Engrega, Nekkers, and Drowners for Greater Mutagens early in the chapter and did not complete the Engrega or Nekker Contracts until I was "done framing" toward the end of the chapter.
I Chapter 2 I farmed Harpies for Greater Mutagens.