R4zen_Hose_Tony: Are you sure that u have set Textures Filtering Negativ LOD Bias to Clamp, not Allow? Because like u sad you use it in all games, thats means u probably have set it to Allow, because with Clamp image textures quality is worse. If you have it set to allow then this fix WONT work.
AdadG: No, I said, "ALMOST all". Globally I have it on "Allow" (or "Permitir" in Spanish), manually in those games I set it to "Clamp" (or "Fijación" in Spanish), as you can see in the attachments.
The problem surely lies elsewhere.
omg it's so hard to check exacly same setting like in the video?
I checked ur settings and gess what... fix didn't work!
Then i checked them one bay one:
Textures Filtering Quality setting set to High Quality
Textures FIltering trilinear optimalization - to On
- and still not working
Textures Filtering Quality setting set to High
Textures FIltering trilinear optimalization - to Off
- and still not working
Textures Filtering Quality setting set to High
Textures FIltering trilinear optimalization - to On
- finaly works and this is the default settings
check again what i changed in CP and what do not and try it: