Knightwraith17: Can anyone tell me why gog galaxy not unlocking a single achievement for me.I should have unlocked about 7-8 achievements by now.finished contracts that gives achievements(e.g kill sarasti the ekkimarae),read 30 books etc.plz help.I contacted support like a week ago.still no reply.and also its not even tracking my game time well.and yes I am always connected to internet when I play witcher 3.T_T I added 2 images for you guyz to see. I use raptr for gametime tracking and I played 68 hours or so.and it only shows I played 31 hours in gog galaxy.I tried reinstalling everything.still no changes.please help me out.thanks in advance.
I read somewhere else that for some unknown reason the achievements is working
for some but not all.Apparently they are trying to figure what is causing this problem.
Support will contact you sooner or later,sometimes the cog turns slowly.