cairne: Yeah "my" AI doesn't seem to do this often, I still get roflstomped quite frequently by Monster players tbh. Where did you get that Hero siege guy?
Against monster deck i almost always let them win the first round so they'll waste all their army, or, play small cards, let his 'pass', and then i throw in the ice card :D
Sorry I don't remember where i got the siege guy, i just play GWENT with anyone that has a pulse
vemin: you had 110 gamage + killing enemy 9 dmg card, seems like poor npc didnt have a chance against your deck.
stop molesting little ones! if you want a challenge I'd suggest beating guy in Vyzimas palace when you first time arrive here =)
I always wanted to play as monsters, but i still dont have ehough cards... but my northern kingdoms , nilfgard and elven decks are owerpowered...
Oh the first time i loaded like 20 times not kidding and still didn't beat him. then i came back with my spy deck and it was hard but i did it :D